Click for AppleGuide online help Average bond length for imported structures Atom labeling for imported structures New preferences are only read on program startup. Quit and restart gNMR to use the new preferences If checked, peaks being assigned will be highlighted in spectra If checked, spectra will adapt their size to their enclosing window Set the magnification factor for the "Copy *8" command Check to include PostScript commands in clipboard copies; increases size of copy but improves print quality Check to use PostScript commands for Laser printer output for improved quality Thickness of lines used for Hardcopies and Clipboard copies, in 1/72"; must be <= 1 Change quality of Hardcopies and Clipboard copies Check to let gNMR try to predict coupling constants for imported structures Check to let gNMR try to predict shifts for imported structures Rare and quadrupolar heteroatom nuclei: include all, none, or only those labeled with an isotope name Abundant heteroatom nuclei (S = 1/2 only): include all, none, or only those labeled with an isotope name C(13) nuclei: include all, none, or only those labeled "1H" 1H nuclei: include all, none, or only those labeled "1H" Check to automatically saturate imported structures with hydrogens Check to automatically expand common abbreviations (Et, Ph, …) when importing structures Sample of text used in spectra Font used for text in spectra Font size used for text in spectra Sample of normal editable text Font used for normal editable text Sample of small static text Sample of normal static text Font used for normal static text Font size used for "small" text (e.g., in the Choose Nucleus dialog) Font size used for normal text Set the default geSPG number of points for the spline baseline approximation Set the default geSPG Fourier order for baseline correction Set the default geSPG spectrum compress order Set the default geSPG spectrum smooth order Switch the default geSPG peak-removal method between interpolation and truncation Set the number of spectrum changes that can be undone in geSPG You can change the default enlargement factor for the "Copy * 8" menu item Check to include PostScript commands in spectra copied to the clipboard; copies may become large ! Check to use PostScript commands for LaserWriters Linewidth (in 1/72", between 0 and 1) to be used for hardcopies (Rotate the horizontal axis ? - not yet implemented) (Invert the horizontal axis ? - not yet implemented) Use absolute vertical scaling? Set the default absolute vertical spectrum size Set the default vertical spectrum size Set the default horizontal spectrum size Show assignments in double-trace spectrum displays?Switch between cm and inch length units List all parameters in Log file for each print or hardcopy ? The baseline can be displayed in gSPG as a dotted line. It will never appear in hardcopies The baseline can be displayed in gNMR as a dotted line. It will never appear in hardcopies Display labels at the axes ? Display axes with the spectrum ? Display scaling info with the spectrum ? Display a title with the spectrum ? Threshold for grouping peaks for assignment (in Hz) Treat close-together peaks as a single peak in assignment? Treshold factor for displaying peaks for assignment Ordering of peaks for assignments Number of random restarts in full-lineshape iteration Try sign changes in full-lineshape iteration ? Increase of correlation factor after each cycle of full-lineshape iteration Method used for approximating large systems.Size to start approximate calculations.Strong-coupling threshold for approximate calculations.Start correlation factor in full-lineshape iteration Threshold value for the use of perturbation theory to simplify calculations. Set to zero to disable use of perturbation theory. Check this box to allow use of symmetry in combination with assignment iteration. Use symmetry to simplify calculations? Symmetry can be based on numerical values or on variable names. Check this box if you always want to go through the File/New dialog when creating a new file Set the maximum scratchfile size (in Kb) for gNMR, gSPG, etc. Isotopomers below this abundance will be ignored in all calculations Check this box to always include coupling to quadrupolar isotopes. Uncheck this box for anisotropic (partially oriented) spectra Switch the default lineshape function between Lorentzian, Gaussian and triangular Switch the default chemical-shift scale between ppm and Hz Set the default spectrometer frequency (for 1H, in MHz); frequencies for other nuclei will be calculated from it Select an item to move to a different set of preferences Click to save changes; they will become active when the program is restarted Click to discard any changes made to the preferences Change default settings for the gNMR programs here. To activate the new defaults: click Save, quit and restart program